Ty Dolla $ign Don´t Judge me Tour

El sensual Ty Dolla $ign se prepara para dar un recorrido de 7 semanas este invierno. The don’t Judge me Tour, starts this February 21st in Santa Ana, California, closing in Los Angeles on April 12th, destined to promote his album Beach House 3, the tour, will have the collaboration of Marc E Bassy as 24 horas huésped especial, we can also see appearances of TC Da Loc and Dre Sinatra, quienes también prestarán su apoyo en este proyecto.

In early October 2017, Ty Dolla $ign, celebrated the release of his second studio album, Beach House 3, in a small studio in downtown Manhattan, with this album, Ty regresa revolucionando una nueva ola de R & B, which could represent a new future for this genre. The R & B is changing, y Ty Dolla $ign is at the forefront of the movement, No sólo el sonido del género ha progresado, as is almost inevitable, sino que también lo ha hecho la percepción de sus estrellas, 20 años atras, R & B sounded very different from what it is now.

Dolla $ign is in charge of the new wave of R & B, with a combination of old school vocal firepower, seria comprensión melódica y sabor actualizado. His music is undoubtedly avant-garde, but in addition to his sound, the way he has built his career is particularly revolutionary, es por ello que creemos que representa el futuro del R & B.

Pero, before becoming a singer, Ty started writing for other artists while starting his solo career, obviously, Ty knew this is a great way to start in the business. Sus letras lo dieron a conocer, al nivel que artistas como Rihanna y Kanye West han recurrido a él para escribir canciones para R8 y So Help me God, respectively, and it seems that there will be more high profile works.


Además de sobresalir en el canto y la composición de canciones, Ty is also an accomplished producer and musician, al frente de D.R.U.G. $. (Dirty Rotten Underground Sound) production team. He plays bass, piano and guitar and often includes string sections to give his music a more exuberant sound.

And now, as part of its promotional campaign for this tour, Dolla $ ign, unveiled his new video Ex, para el cual contó con la colaboración de YG, under the direction of David Camarena. In the clip you can see Ty Dolla $ ign y YG caminando a través de escenas animadas de fiestas y conduciendo lowriders equipados con sistemas hidráulicos, al mejor el estilo de los años 90. Do not stop seeing it, lo disfrutarás tanto como la canción.

Ya en 2016, ganó el premio a la canción favorita en los Teen Choice awards con “Work from Home”, con la que se gana de nuevo la mejor canción en los Kid’s Choice awards 2017, so we hope that this album will bring to our favorite R & B singer, many more awards and recognitions.

Definitely, at this moment, Ty Dolla $ ign R es el mejor & B singer.


You can see Ty Dolla $ ign and YG walking through animated scenes of parties and driving lowriders equipped with hydraulic systems, the best of the 90's style